Welcome to us!

Lovšin Estate is a small family-run campsite located directly on the river
Kolpa, on a protected mill farm. Here you can enjoy nature in peace,
enjoy the cultural heritage of the Belokranj region, fine wine, relax by the river or
and discover the White Landscape and its cuisine.
We want your stay with us to be a very pleasant one
and that you will leave us with good impressions!

In 2024, the property was awarded the Green Key certificate, which is
Leading the standard of excellence in environmental responsibility and sustainability
working in the tourism industry. This prestigious eco-label signifies a commitment to
companies to ensure that certified establishments comply with the strict criteria laid down by the
International Foundation for Environmental Education FEE.

Help us on our sustainability journey and during your stay with us:
– separate your waste and try to be zero waste,
– fill up your tap – our water is drinkable,
– try to use as little water as possible when showering and washing,
– be frugal with your energy consumption,
– Respect the coastal zone and the aquatic ecosystem,
– do not disturb wild animals.
Thank you for your understanding!

For more information on the Green Key Programme, please visit: https://www.zelenikljuc.si/